Manly Spirits Australian Dry Gin 700ml
A well rounded gin that can be sipped neat or perfect for your refreshing G&T, garnished with a slice of orange.
Manly Spirits Australian Dry Gin has a delectable blend of ten carefully-considered sustainably foraged marine, Australian native and traditional botanicals distilled into a pure Australian wheat spirit. The bright, fresh flavours of the citrus, marine & juniper give way to the gentle peppery notes on the palate to deliver a complex lingering finish.
DOUBLE Gold Medalist (Gin)- San Francisco World Spirits Competition 2018
GOLD Medal (Packaging and Design)- International Wine and Spirits Competition, UK 2018
SILVER Medal (Contemporary Gin) – International Wine & Spirits Competition 2018
SILVER Medal (Gin & Tonic) – International Wine & Spirits Competition 2018
Silver Medalist (London Dry Style)- Australian Distilled Spirits Awards 2018
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