Altina Le Blanc 750ml
“Altina Le Blanc is a non-alcoholic sparkling wine alternative built from natural ingredients and native Australian botanicals. Each ingredient is carefully chosen and expertly blended. The tasting experience is nuanced and layered. Delicious flavours build in complexity as you sip. We combine the ritual and theatre of wine with the discovery of new natural ingredients.” – Altina Drinks
Serve ice cold in a sparkling wine glass. Perfect drinking when you want to relax at the end of the day.
$20.99 each
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The bouquet is a burst of Australian Forestberry and tart Apple.
hese lively notations continue throughout the palate’s journey tempered by dry and delicate tannins of Green Tea with the nuttiness of native Wattleseed. The finish delivers a refreshing and balanced acidity that gently lingers with the subtle warmth of Cayenne Pepper.
Varietal Composition:
Non Alcoholic