Jameson 18 Year Old Irish Whiskey 700ml
Crafted with 230 years of tradition and expertise, this 700ml bottle offers a smooth and balanced flavour profile that will delight whiskey connoisseurs. Jameson 18 Years is a unique blend of three signature distillates matured in the finest oak for almost two decades and is given a final marrying period of at least 6 months in a fresh American oak barrel, adding a unique complexity and elegance.
$349.99 each
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The nose is rich in pot still elements and filled with dark, antique oak which Melting butter and soft toffee pennies slowly build over. Prickles of subtle sherry spice emerge among a slight grassiness, plum compote and a touch of bitter herbs.
A thick, gooey blend of Galaxy Caramel, treacle and butterscotch retain a deep and luscious sweetness against more oak and a hint of leather. Bramble berries and black cherry rolling tobacco add depth among drying coriander spice.
Varietal Composition: