Crystal Head Vodka 700ml
Highest quality peaches and cream corn is distilled four times into a neutral grain gluten-free spirit and blended with pristine water from Newfoundland, Canada. The liquid is then filtered seven times, of which three are through layers of semi precious crystals known as Herkimer diamonds. Dan Aykroyd and John Alexander wanted to craft a vessel worthy of one of the world’s purest vodkas. A symbol of life, reflecting power and enlightenment, to hold their award-winning white spirit of super natural purity.
$99.99 each
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Smooth and light on the nose with hints of vanilla gently making its way around.
A slight kick when it first hits the palate, but it mellows quickly into a smooth offering. A slight peppery kick at the end, but a long mouth-watering sensation dominates it.
Varietal Composition: