Whitley Neill Rhubarb & Ginger 700ml
Whitley Neill Gin is a handcrafted, premium gin that is inspired by the very best flavours and ingredients from around the world – and distilled in the heart of the City of London.
Whilst most of Johnny Neill’s inspiration for his award-winning gins comes from his ancestor’s intrepid exploits abroad, Whitley Neill Rhubarb & Ginger Gin harks from fond memories made slightly closer to home. Post-war, the Whitley Family, were living in rural England near Daresbury and they cultivated their garden with thrilling flavours, serving as inspiration for both the table and indeed their experimentation with new gins.
Juniper | Coriander Seed | Cassia Bark | Orris Root | Angelica Root | Liquorice | Sweet Orange | Lemon | Ginger | Rhubarb |
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