Dumangin Ratafia Champenois 700ml
Ratafia Champenois is a protected geographical indication. it proudly bears the name of its region and makes an important contribution to its terroir and its quality history. A subtle blend of selected musts from pressing Champagne and fine Champagne, this 16-22% spirit is a marvel of colours and aromas.
Its history can be traced back to the time of the conquest of the Americas, when participants had to keep as much vitamins as possible to avoid diseases contracted during these long boat trips. After the turf wars, the drink was used to “ratify” peace, hence its iconic name.
The “CRAFT” cuvée is aged for many years before being bottled as a blend of multiple vintages aged independently. Second-hand barrels previously used to age mainly Northern Côtes du Rhône wines give it this amber colour as well as its characteristic taste.
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